Rii NUMATA Profile

Cooperative Researcher
Researcher at Kobe University,
Graduate School of Human Development
and Environment
Nara Women’s University (Textile and Apparel Science)
Hiroshima University (Clinical Musicology)
Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Kobe University
Ph.D (Communication Science)
JMTA Board-Certified Music Therapist
[Academic Experience]
Part-time Lecturer, the Music Department, Chugoku Junior College
Research fellow, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Part-time Lecturer, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
Advisor of Art Management Project, Hyogo Performing Arts Center
Part-time Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts
Research fellow, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University
[Music Therapy Clinical Experience]
Social Welfare Service Corporation Aobaen Work Center
Social Welfare Service Corporation Ichiyoukai Suzukake Workshop
La maman soleil NPO organization
Representative of The Otoasobi Project
Director of The Japanese Association for the Study of Musical Improvisation