This site is made possible by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) issue number: 26370484), however, the project is the culmination of years of previous research as noted in “The Summary of Research”. We welcome collaboration with the general public through sharing experiences from the past and present, including opinions and criticisms, in the hopes of contributing, even just a little, to improving the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and who have difficulty communicating. We would like to introduce the activities (knowledge, skills, etc.) we have created based on our research, in the hopes that you will find them useful in your interactions with people with disabilities.
It is difficult to understand at a glance how people with a "disability", particularly disabilities related to communication, and their families are prone to social disadvantages, however by changing perceptions, we can show how there are plenty of positive aspects and have courage in our lives. If we can share this experience, it is my hope that we can create a community that is comfortable and accepting of all peoples.
(Principal Investigator:Mariko UDO)